EKUZ – EHIC – European Health Insurance Card – How to request and what is it? For free!

A lot of people living in Poland (and even other European countries) doesn’t know about this card, EKUZ, which allows you to use the public health care system of any EU/EFTA Member.

As we are in Europe and we are constantly traveling around, it is good to have also this coverage just in case of an emergency.

How to request?

There are two ways:

  1. You can find in your city the “Centrum Obsługi Ubezpieczonych NFZ” and they will help you. I didn’t do this way, as I try to do everything online 🙂
  2. Using ePuap if you have a trusted profile. I used this one to renew mine.
  3. You can do it online. And here are the step-by-step how to do it:
    1. Printout the form pdf
      Check for more details in the official website here.
    2. Fill in page 1 like the sample below, page 2 and 3 are not needed to be filled in.  20190424_185731
    3. Scan the form in pdf (I used google drive app for it), scan all pages.
    4. Send the form to ekuz@nfz.gov.pl
      1. Send it asking them to create the EKUZ card based on the pdf attached
        1. Don’t forget to attach the file
    5. Wait some days, then you will receive it at home. For me, it took exactly 20 days to come.

More information can be found in NFZ and EKUZ websites.

Poznań – Viagem de um dia de Wrocław

Aqui temos um feriado de Páscoa diferente, não temos sexta-feira santa, mas temos a segunda-feira de Páscoa, conhecida pelo nome de Śmingus Dingus, e a tradição diz que as pessoas podem jogar água umas nas outras. Enfim, como a Chris folgou na sexta, resolvi trocar o feriado de segunda pelo de sexta-feira, e então fomos a Poznań com alguns amigos, para conhecer um restaurante Brasileiro e passear um pouco pela cidade e de trem 🙂 … aqui vou colocar um video que fiz com o drone, e o video feito pelo meu amigo Hemer, sobre a cidade e o restaurante!